Why Your Instagram Followers Need to See Your Face

July 31, 2019

So there you are, getting ready to post on Instagram. You’re scrolling, scrolling, scrolling through your phone trying to find the perfect photo to pair with the caption about your business…and nothing feels right. There’s that one graphic you made, a picture of your kids, one of your dog, dinner from last night, a sunset from the beach…but nothing is speaking to you in a way that you think is going to reach your followers.

If you’re being totally honest with yourself, it all feels a little flat.

You’ve flipped through almost your whole photo roll when you find a photo yourself. You pause. Offer a silent judgement, question what that has to do with your business, and you move on.

But wait! Hold up! Go back to that picture of you. This is where you’ve gotta slow your scroll, and look at the potential that photo holds.

I’ve got some big news for you. Your followers, your audience, the people supporting your brand, want to see you. Yeah, YOU!

Before you roll your eyes, hear me out. They actually really do want to see your face pop up in their feed. This isn’t just for IG influencers with a million followers, ‘kay? Even if you’re in the business of selling products or services that you think have absolutely nothing to do with showing your face, I can assure you, your business, and more importantly, your brand, has everything to do with it.

You’re the brains behind your business, right? Like, you’re the physical, breathing, living human being that created this thing. So why would you post a photo of dinner from last night with a caption about a promotion you’re running? That just doesn’t make any sense. Why would you post a graphic with a quote when you’re talking about the reason you started your entrepreneurial dream?

Your career is happening because you decided that you were gonna give this self employed life a shot.

Listen, I totally get how weird it can feel to look at a picture of yourself and feel uncomfortable sharing it with the world. Those judgements and doubts can creep in, but you gotta snuff ’em out. Please, please, please take the plunge and give this a try because it is so worth it! When you start showing up in your feed, you are communicating a human element to your audience that says, “Hey! There’s a real live person who makes all of this stuff! It’s me! I do all of these things!”

Your followers are curious about the person running the account, not just the goods or services you offer. Go ahead and show off what you make, but include a photo of yourself in the mix with a caption about who you are. Your audience wants to get to know you, AND support you, not just your business. They WANT to feel connected. That is why social media has exploded over the last decade…we are all seeking that deeper connection.

Instagram isn’t just a place to sell something, it is a place to build community. It’s all about building and fostering relationships with the people who choose to see your content. Why would you pass up the opportunity to create meaningful relationships with the people who are cheering you on and supporting you? This is your chance to truly connect in a way that isn’t a sales pitch. When you show up on your feed, you have the ability to show the world your genuine self. People are interested in learning about who you are!

Okay, so I’ve convinced you to give this whole post a photo of yourself thing a shot…but now you’re wondering how you can post a different photo of yourself next week.

What the heck do even start to talk about?

I gotchu covered! You’ve got 15 prompts to start off with, all on the house. That could mean 15 weeks of content featuring you! Pretty awesome, huh?

See you on the ‘gram!

Photo Credit ©Megan Leigh Acosta 2017


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