I'm really glad
If you’ve ever wondered what it looks like to complete a final flight as a pilot in the Air Force, this is it!
Welllllllllllll, kind of.
Each plane can have different traditions associated with their fini flight. But usually, it involves champagne, some kind of extinguisher filled with water being sprayed, but generally being doused in water of some way!
These are a big deal, folks. For many pilots, this is the last time they’ll fly that specific air craft. It can signal the end of a career, the closing of a chapter, and the beginning of something new. These flights are usually right before a big move to a new assignment, a retirement or a separation. They almost always include family, friends, co-workers, and the folks who are coordinating the flight and flying it with you. After, there’s tons of high fives and hugs, congratulations and well wishes.
For the photographer and family on the ground, there is a lot of looking up in the sky before the crew lands, trying to catch a glimpse of where the plane is while attempting to make out the tail number of whose who. I love this little in-between time. There is always a ton of excitement buzzing around, you know? It never gets old to see that kind of energy. Especially when you’re standing on top of a roof overlooking a flight line.
In the 12 years I’ve been photographing events like this for the Air Force, I can safely say this was the the most intense fin flight to date. I haven’t ever seen the amount of water dumped on a pilot like we did that day! Pretty handy way to rinse off all the champagne, eh?
The Massie crew had the ultimate send off in May! With beautiful weather, some extra rad flying, and tons of good vibes. This fini flight marks the last one I will ever photograph. I’m hanging up my military event photographer hat this summer as my own family separates from active duty! A heck of a way to go out, all around!
A huge congratulations to the Massie family as they close the door on this chapter. To many more good times, my friends!