CFO, Assistant, + Associate Photographer Milwaukee Small Business Owner Joe Spitz
Meet Joe. This is the guy that not only stole my heart (yaaaas I am that cheeseball wife) but the guy who runs the finances at Kate Spitz Photography. Not only does he manage the money behind the scenes, this guy is my number one assistant and associate photographer. He’s got a day job as a pilot, and on the weekends and evenings, he dedicates a whole lot his time to this business. We run it together, no questions asked. We’re a team. He’s been my partner in business since things got started around here, and has always believed in me. Never once has he thought of my job as a photographer, educator, or business owner as “just a hobby”, and if that doesn’t speak volumes about his support, I don’t know what does. He has always challenged me to do better. To serve more wholeheartedly and to dig deep to find passion when I’m exhausted. He supports me when I take risks, and encourages me to pursue what sets my soul on fire.

This is the guy who fixes your hair during a windy session. Notices if a tie is crooked, and promptly fixes it for you with a knowing nod. Demonstrates poses with me (it’s super cute, you guys gotta see) and helps grooms relax before the walk down the aisle or to your first look. He holds your kiddos while we get shots of just you and your boo thang. Makes your toddlers laugh…really hard. Talks with your dad, your husband, your uncle about flying planes and his love for a nice tailored suit. Joe is the guy who brings you in and makes you feel like you’re one of the fam. He doesn’t care if your kid is crying (he’ll get them to stop, I swear…he’s magic) or if your sweating bullets while he adjusts your boutonniere. He’s patient and has a hell of an eye for detail.
You want him around when your wedding timeline has shifted; he rounds people up like you wouldn’t believe. You want him to be the guy to grab you water after you say “I do” because he’ll remind you slow down, ask if you want a snack, encourage you celebrate, and if he can snag you anything from the bar while we shoot your wedding portraits. Trust me, he’ll make sure that you’re taken care of.

When he’s not flying planes and helping me out, you can catch him nerding out to finance and business podcasts. Probably with a glass of bourbon (neat) in his hand. Oh, and this dude has to have his dark chocolate. We’re talking 90% cocao, people. He doesn’t mess around. I’m 100% positive he loves spread sheets as much as he loves me. Together we host our local Tuesday’s Together Chapter at Yokota Air Force Base, a gig we’ve had for almost three years. He hates running, loves skiing, and lets our cat sleep on his pillow even though he’s allergic to her. If you ask him anything about dogs, he’ll tell you golden retrievers are unparalleled, and convince you that you need to get at least two.